Getting Ready for the New Year!

Happy 2015! It has been a six short days but we are finally in the new year. Last year has been a roller coaster of unwanted events, emotions, and so much stress!! I’m sure I’m not the only one! My loving boyfriend helped me set up this blog last year around Thanksgiving. I have been contemplating ever since what I would post about first! All I wanted to do was post about how lousy my year was going and I’m glad I didn’t because that is in the past and nothing can change that.

SO… to start the new year, my first new years resolution is to live in the the present and cherish every day, ONE AT A TIME. I will not let the past or the possible future deter me from living my life happily. I saw a quote on Pinterest today that said, “Make today your B****”. That quote spoke to me. I thought… “Why yes. Today, day, you are my B****”.

My other New Years resolution will be to stop caring what people think. Now, please don’t assume this means I don’t care about my loved ones. This resolution is about taking care of myself by not letting other people’s worries, judgments, and obstacles bring me down. You know why? They will not bring me down because they are not my concerns. As my loving Aunt Darlene says, “Did you break it? Can you fix it? If not, then let it go!” I can’t believe it took me until I was almost 27 to figure that one out! Better late than never!

As far as this blog goes! My categories are beginning with Live, Laugh and Cook. Live will be about my every day adventures and thoughts. My own personal online “diary”. Laugh will be my fun facts for the day. Things that make you laugh and go hu! Finally, COOK! The reason I wanted to blog. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to cook. I want to share my recipes with all of you, my future followers! I love to cook and I want to share my knowledge and hope you will learn to love to cook as much as I do. Other posts to look forward to will be on DIY (crafts, make up, and anything I can think of I tried myself and may or may not have been successful), Pretties (all the beautiful things in life like diamonds, make up, clothes, kittens…), and so much more. I’m just getting started!

I hope you all have enjoyed my first post! Feel free to comment. Tell me… What are your new years resolutions?

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